PO Box 505 | Wainscott, NY | 11975
Keep Wainscott Together. Say NO to Incorporation
Take these steps to preserve our Hamlet:
- Register to vote in Wainscott and vote NO to incorporation if the question comes to a vote.
https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/electronic-voter-registration-application. - Let the Town know you are against incorporation. pvanscoyoc@ehamptonny.gov
- Read the Rockefeller Institute of Government study on trends in Village Governments in New York. https://rockinst.org/issue-area/village-incorporation-laws/
Take home message? Villages are often formed without due consideration of the costs and other implications of a new layer of government. They are failing at record numbers. - Voting dates / absentee ballot information https://suffolkcountyny.gov/Departments/BOE
- Donate to WAINSCOTT UNITED ››› wainscottunited.org
- Wainscott Hamlet Study, please READ https://ehamptonny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/4086/Wainscott-Hamlet-Report-August-13-2019-PDF